Rick and his peeps showed a serious level of disdain for the old media... newspapers... they announced they would not let Rick sit down in front of any editorial boards... they were specifically not seeking newspaper endorsements. Kay meanwhile sought and won just about every newspaper endorsement in the state and used them all in her final television commercial. Rick's peeps did a lot with social media and bested Kay in every category... more twitter fans, more facebook friends, a more active email list, and on and on... Rick's peeps hosted a very cool looking blogger summit I still wish I would have gone to after seeing the pictures from it... Rick had a text message system that cranked out relevant messages... Kay's team responded a few times weakly...
Kay sent me about a zillion pieces of direct mail. I got call after automated call from her on my answering machine at home... Rick's peeps claim that they did none of that. Rick's campaign videos were a hundred times superior to Kay's campaign videos. More funny... more well put together... more creative...
Rick had peeps flooding every web site with comments. I know the blogger out reach was much better from Rick's end than Kay's end. At one point I was on some kind of Kay media distribution list... "for immediate release" then Kay changed staffers and suddenly I was dropped... and a lot of her new peeps were not interested in talking to me in real life either...
On the other hand Rick's social media blog management team was all about sending personal messages and information... gently correcting things I got wrong... even giving me exclusive information every once in a while...
The difference between the online campaigns was night and day...
WIN... Rick 4-1.
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Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.