Friday, September 24, 2010

Rick up by 20+ points in swing districts...

A controversial new poll from a liberal organization on behalf of a Democrat running for Congress has Rick up bigtime (link). Excerpt follows...
A survey that was conducted by the chief pollster for trial lawyers who fiercely oppose Governor Rick Perry shows him with a big lead over challenger Bill White in a northeast Texas House district that Democratic candidates have believed they needed to carry to have a shot at winning statewide in the past two decades.

The poll that the Austin firm Opinion Analysts administered for the House Democratic Campaign Committee showed White trailing Perry by 22 points in the four-county district where it found State Rep. Stephen Frost leading Republican George Lavender by 26 points.

While Lavender's campaign has assailed the HD 1 survey as a push poll that attempted to boost Frost's support by smearing the GOP challenger, the polling by the Democrats could be a bad sign for them in their hopes of recapturing the governor's office in the November general election if it's accurate.

White's campaign showed no initial alarm by the poll results in the northeast Texas House district while choosing to focus on the big picture instead. "What we see across polls is that Texans are ready for a new governor after 10 years of Rick Perry, who only looks out for himself, his friends and special interests," White's campaign spokesperson Katy Bacon said.

The HDCC poll showed both Perry and Frost with support from 53 percent of the voters while White and Lavender were favored by 31 percent and 27 percent respectively. The poll results in the gubernatorial competition were more in line with its finding that two out of every three voters in Frost's district disapproved of the job that Democratic President Barack Obama has been doing. Lavender's camp said today that it's own internal polling better reflects the trends in the governor's race and White House job performance ratings by showing the Republican House hopeful ahead of Frost by four points in the HD 1 battle.
If you aren't subscribing to Mike Hailey's Capitol Inside, you should. He always seems to have these scoops.

Rick being up by 22 in this area even in a Democrat push poll seems like really really bad news for Bill White.

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Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.