Thursday, July 8, 2010

Press coverage for Bill White and Rick...

Matt Lewis... known friend of Rick's campaign... has a blog about the discrepancy in media coverage (link). Excerpt follows...

According to Rasmussen Reports, media coverage of the Texas gubernatorial race has been lopsided, with just 36.4 percent of the coverage of Governor Rick Perry being positive. Conversely, 75.8 percent of the coverage of Houston Mayor Bill White has been positive.

It is worth noting that Perry has received more coverage than White, but with more than 63 percent of Perry’s media coverage being negative, that is hardly an advantage.

UT Professor Jim Henson sez he has never seen Rick get such bad media coverage (link). Excerpt follows...
“I haven’t seen Perry lose this many news cycles since he’s been governor,” Henson said.
The liberal msm is largely crediting Bill White's new flack... but somehow I disagree that anyone has sharpened Bill White's message. His message is just as inane as it ever was... it is just as much of a rehash of the primary messaging from Kay as it ever was... did you see his convention speech? It was terrible...

Rick's attacks on Bill White meanwhile are explosive and damning... but nobody in the press is running with them. Why is that?

It is rich for the press corps to sit around and say to themselves "wow Bill White is really winning the press cycles" when they are the very ones who refuse to report on Rick's killer attacks yet report enthusiastically on every pointless anti-Rick attack there ever was or ever will be... even ones that are tired and used up from 2002, 2006, or January and February of this year...

A governor living in a governor's mansion is not a valid attack... that is just stupid. The president and vice president get that. Every governor in America gets that. It is part of the package. It has been part of the deal for centuries.

Bill White profiteering off of hurricanes, trying to deny military voters ballot access, and being involved in all kinds of other clearly unethical and possibly illegal business dealings... all while hiding his taxes... not to mention his dancing around the issues... those are still unexplored issues for some reason.

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Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.