Wayne Slater examines Kay Bailey Hutchison's recent statement about Rick Perry's record on taxes:
THE CLAIM: Kay Bailey Hutchison told WBAP-AM (820) this week that Gov. Rick Perry "has increased taxes in Texas." Specifically, she said: "He's increased it on business -- the margins tax, which I think is a flawed policy. And secondly, he has not addressed the rising property tax rates in this state."
THE FACTS: Perry did lead the Legislature's effort in 2006 to raise taxes on business as part of a tax swap to cut local school property taxes. The effort expanded the state franchise tax, which corporations did not pay, to include all businesses with annual gross receipts over $600,000. The result was that many businesses saw their taxes increase by thousands of dollars. This year, the Legislature raised the exemption to $1 million, a move that Perry supported and signed into law.
As part of the tax swap, school property taxes were reduced from the state cap by a third, from $1.50 per $100 of assessed value to $1. For many taxpayers, that reduction has been eroded because of rising property valuations and a provision that allows some districts to raise their cap. But rates were in fact cut across the state.
Perry advocates further limits on rising property values, but the Legislature has not gone along.To combat a budget shortfall, Perry and the Legislature have also raised several state fees. Among the increases were vehicle registration costs, tens of millions of dollars in surcharges on traffic violation fines, and professional fees for lawyers, nurses and tow truck operators.
BOTTOM LINE: Hutchison's statement that Perry raised business taxes is true. But by failing to note that doing so was a way to offset a big cut in property taxes, she distorts the governor's record.
It was a clear net tax cut. When Grover Norquist endorses your tax reform plan, as he did with Perry's reform, it is especially laughable for KBH to make her false claim that Perry raised taxes. Norquist HATES higher taxes.