NEWS- Declared April Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month (link).
NEWS- Wednesday night, Rick is doing another conference call with a conservative grassroots group (link). I wonder if this one will go smoother than the last one, which was allegedly canceled because of an apparent attack against the vendor's servers.
NEWS- More coverage of Rick at the YCT meeting over the weekend (link).
BLOG- A liberal seeming blog talks about unemployment insurance (link). Excerpt follows...
BLOG- Blue Dot Blues recounts a speech by Rick over the weekend (link). Excerpt follows...Texas Governor Rick Perry is refusing the largest amount of money, $556 Million. He has complained tha the money, which would help the unemployed in his state, comes with too many strings attached. His state, which has an unemployment rate of 6.5%, covers the smallest number of unemployed.
The unemployed in these four states aren’t without hope, however. James Clayburn wrote a clause in the stimulus package allowing state legislators to accept money refused by their respective governors.
When you're an active Republican in the Austin area, it's easy enough to catch an event where the governor is speaking, and this was the fourth time since January I've heard him speak. He is always enthusiastic, but there was a trace of the campaign stump speech in Saturday's appearance. With only 52 days left in this legislative session, the time is coming for every real candidate to really turn up the volume. Expect a lot of this from the governor in the coming months.OTHER- Rick has also launched a new page on his official state office page to paint the Emerging Technology Fund in a more favorable light (link).It does seem, too, that Governor Perry will run as the staunch conservative in the race (frankly, against Kay Bailey Hutchison, this won't be hard; a third candidate, or more, in this primary would have to do quite a bit of work to make him out to be anything else). Saturday's speech confirmed that. As stated, Governor Perry was the first sitting governor to ever address a YCT convention - and YCT's endorsements will be closely watched in the primary next year.
NEWS- Was in Corpus Christi yesterday to announce more than one million dollars for the extension of the La Quinta channel (link).

What is the English translation of La Quinta?
Next to Denny's. Pah.dum.ching!
NEWS- Kay was also in Harlingen to talk about the opening of a new Veterans Administration facility (link).
NEWS- She also fought against cuts to military spending (link).
NEWS- Kay is scheduled to appear with Representative Joe Barton in Arlington later this week (link). Specifics:
U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and U.S. Rep. Joe Barton are scheduled to attend the dedication ceremony at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 9, at the center, 202 E. Border St.BLOG- Kay and Big John work on judges for Galveston (link).
BLOG- Kay also had lunch with the blogger TxSkirt and a hundred or more others in South Texas (link).
TxSkirt gives the report... excerpts follow...
OTHER- Kay also launched a new and sleeker version of her campaign site (link).I had lunch with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison today. Okay, I had lunch with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison today and about 300 other Republicans at a luncheon that served as a fundraiser for the local Republican Women’s Club. She didn’t say anything that surprised me. In fact, she didn’t say much at all. Her speech could have been delivered to any group anywhere in the country. There were a few digs at President Obama and the liberal turds in congress, but no mention of Rick Perry or what her plans included for her fellow Texans.
Although her speech was sort of boring and predictable, the “politics” of her presence in the room was fascinating. I watched as many local politicians jockied for a picture with the senator and just as many avoided physical contact with her. Everyone who is a player in local conservative politics was there, because it would be bad form to not, but it was clear that not everyone in that room was a supporter. I suspect the same would happen had Governor Rick Perry been the keynote speaker.
NEWS- Both Rick and Kay (and everyone else in state politics it seems) wrote letters to Calvin Clyde of Tyler, Texas (link).
BLOG- has some analysis of the race (link)...
The fight to unseat Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX), soon to be the longest serving governor in Texas history, is going to be a humdinger. Only he won't be battling a Democrat; he'll be battling a fellow Republican, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) in a bitter primary. Senate Republicans are pleading with her not to run as she would probably win and leave behind an open Senate seat that Houston mayor Bill White (D) might be able to win. No matter who the Republican candidate for governor is, he or she is very likely to win.COMMENTS ARE OPEN. Let's hear from the readers.
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Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.