Rick and Kay both use twitpic to get their photos out to the masses... Rick's twitter is up near 20,000 people while @TeamKay has a little over 2,000... maybe there is a reason for the disparity... behold the differences in tweets...
Kay's drab and dour twitpic from the underwhelming Cheney event...

vs. Rick's twitpic from the RGA with the two political stars of the hour Bob McDonnell and Chris Christie... they look like he just told them a joke... or maybe they just got a kick out of the fact that he actually does his own twitter... "don't you have people for that?"
Another from TeamKay with Karen Hughes... Kay's body language just radiates defeat as Paul Burka would say...

vs. Rick's twitpic from his Norman fund raiser with J.C. Watts and another OU football great... what Republican doesn't love J.C. FRACKING Watts... that guy is a rock star... I wonder why no Barry Switzer in the pic though?
One of Kay at "neutral posture" in College Station which is ironically named given Kay's lack of a strong stand on much of anything...

vs. Rick's group twitpic from Aggieland which made a bunch of women on twitter get all hot and bothered...

Kay giving a speech with her eyes closed to... maybe nobody?... regarding the Prop 11 vote...
vs. Rick tweeting from the stage at RGA... a pic of John Kasich, Tim Pawlenty, some white haired guy, and Bobby Jindal...
Kay speaking in an industrial warehouse with a podium made of boxes...
vs. Rick tweeting a "car quiz" and asking people what kind of vehicle this is...
This is night and day folks... and it is symbolic of the entire campaign... Kay is going through the motions, Rick is having fun and really running an efficient campaign machine... I think Rick's embrace of this twitter stuff coincided with his surge... I am not ready to declare that Rick tweeting is why he is up in the polls... no, I think that is because he is generally more conservative and Kay is more moderate... but there does seem to be some connection on the timeline with Rick's campaign winning over former skeptics and his embrace of social media... maybe a coincidence? Probably, but it does make you wonder...