Thursday, February 11, 2010

Anyone have any information on Kay's robocalls?

I received an email talking about Kay's "odd duck" robocalls she is doing... something about the HPV vaccine not being mandated... go to Slick Rick online to see the emails... something like that. The details I have received are very sparse, but I did confirm with someone in the know that Kay has put some money behind a robocall...

Anyone have a recording of this call? I would love to blog it out...

In this era, robocalls are for losers. Desperate desperate losers. This particular robocall sounds especially desperate and loserish...

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Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.