Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Good writing should be linked.... regardless of partisanship...

I came across this Sardines in a Can blog... she seems like a pretty liberal Democrat but I think her writing style is hilarious when she describes all three Republican candidates for governor (link). Excerpt follows...
There are more things I like about Rick Perry. I like the way he wears his little gimme caps in an effort to be one of the ordinary folks. They look good on him. I like him in a cowboy hat, too. I adore the way he brings up the words Lord, God, Jesus, and Pro-Life in strange, disconnected and random ways during regular old conversations about say.....education......like he has Tourette's Syndrome. It is endearing. During the debate, he was asked if he would serve out all 4 years if elected (there have been rumors of higher aspirations than Governor of the Lone Star State) and he replied that he had no idea what God had in store for him. His blessed life is in God's hands. Was the freaking reporter questioning God's judgement? Can you believe that the reporter questioned God's judgement? I sure can't. A choir of angels started singing and a beam of light shone upon Perry's head at that very moment and he was like, "Pro-Life, Baby!!" It was spectacular. I had tears in my eyes.

And finally - we arrive at my Protagonist of this story - Kay Bailey Hutchison. I like her because she is so naive. Even after all those years in Washington! She continues to think that if she just answers the questions in the debate, without praising Jesus and all, she will make sense and people will vote for her. See how disconnected she is from her own home state? Kay - Girlfriend - YOU CANNOT WIN WITHOUT THE HELP OF JESUS. Not here. You and I need to talk. Also? When you try to make Perry look bad by mentioning his cronyism? And he winks into the camera? He wins. As long as Perry is giving favors to friends, people will continue to vote for him in the hopes of becoming his friends. Also? When you talked figures and numbers and dollars? It bored us. Our eyes glazed over. It was more exciting when Medina name-called and Perry prayed out loud. THAT was entertainment. You need to liven it up a little bit. And? We cringed just a little (and audiences do not like to cringe) when you were shown in a video supporting Roe v Wade all those years ago.....and then you made that face after? The one that said, "Holy Cow I'm f*cked"? It made us double-cringe. Work on that. In the meantime, if I weren't a Liberal Democrat voting for the Palestinian? I would totally vote for you. Even if you are a "Washington Insider" who comes from the place where the Bad Black Man lives. I think you're actually pretty smart. I hope that makes you feel better. When you lose.
Some talent there even if I disagree with most of it... had me laughing very much out loud while reading it. Get that woman a paid writing position somewhere if she doesn't already have it...

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Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.