Friday, February 12, 2010

Medina loses it... nobody should have been shocked by her September 11 truther meltdown...

Medina is a September 11th truther. Great. A truther is pulling a fifth of Republican primary voters and wearing the badge of "tea party candidate." That's really great.

Listen for yourself...

Some of us bloggers (link) have been warning the rest of you guys especially those of you in the media about this Medina figure... I have referenced her strange conspiracy ties several times since I have blogged on this race... including one major blog back in January (link). My words were prescient...
Medina also risks fringing herself not only because of her ideas like drug legalization... but because she seeks out the support of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his peeps... and because she gives confusing fringey answers on issues like gay marriage that conservatives and libertarians strongly disagree upon...


This is Kinky Friedman, Jesse Ventura style politics... a prank spoiler candidacy.... not serious or substantive if bad words are what she is resorting to to get attention.

Simply... Kay is doing so terribly that she may drive herself into third place but Medina is not someone who can or will overtake Kay for second place if she continues using these words and courting certain fringe peeps.


All and all, Medina is flirting way too much with the fringe, not setting herself up to be a serious rising challenge and credible "Anyone But Rick" alternative to Kay...
Heed the words of Rick vs. Kay. You might see into the future... I have been blogging about Medina's sympathies with the chem trail peeps, the Alex Jones peeps, the Bilderberger peeps, the nWo peeps... why do they capitalize the W but not the other letters?... the globalist one world government stuff... Medina has cast her lot with the off kilter conspiracy theorists of Texas, and she has still not completely disowned them the way she needed to...

Even when given a chance to completely walk it back Medina basically continued her truther craziness (link)...

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This video alone would be bad enough to set off the troofer alarms... it is actually just as bad if not worse than the Glenn Beck interview... why is Medina so unable to just admit that September 11th was cut and dried... and questions about whether the government planted bombs in the buildings are just plain unacceptable.

Again... not a single person should have been shocked by this... and shame on all my otherwise well intentioned friends in the Texas press who failed to expose this stuff before now... The Washington Independent exposes some of Medina's conspiracy sympathizing on the Alex Jones show and others before the Beck show ever happened (link). Excerpt follows...

For months, she had been courting hard-right and fringe support and doing a pretty good job. In October she appeared on Texas-based, conspiracy-minded radio host Alex Jones’s radio show, and the interview delved again and again into bizarre topics. In this clip, at 9:20, Jones rants about how law enforcement has been trained to go after patriotic Americans.

MEDINA: We’ve got a big problem in Texas. We’ve got a lot of work to do, to re-educate… I’ve seen some activity…

JONES: We’ve got Soviet brainwashing in the state police.

MEDINA: We do.

Medina has a small but significant number of ideas that make her anathema to the very "extremely conservative" peeps supporting her.

I think voters are more willing to forgive a candidate being off on an issue like marijuana legalization or not being for free trade here or there... but when a candidate refuses to answer clearly something like whether the United States government brought down the towers on September 11th... it's all over...

As the very sharp blog put it before any of this Glenn Beck stuff happened (link)...
Let's suppose that somehow KBH collapses and Medina squeeks into a runoff. I don't see it as likely by any means, but let's hypothesize. He really thinks that Medina will beat Perry in a runoff? A woman who talks about nullification and "globalist agendas"? Really? That blows my mind. Paul, I think you should spend more time with some Republican primary voters so that you understand that they aren't crazy.
I think this is important... sometimes I think the liberal media guys see all conservative Republicans as uniformly crazy... so they maybe didn't realize that Medina was actually crazy. It all just looks the same to them because they are in a whole different world view.

The ironic thing about all of this is that Medina may have actually gained some new supporters with this madness... but she lost a whole lot more along the way. Kay was in free fall before this truther stuff came out... and Rick was rising... I think Kay's fall may be softened a little bit now, and Rick is now likely to win without a run off...

One final word on this controversy... some are suggesting that the whole thing was orchestrated by Rick's peeps. If that is the case then the peeps who pulled that off are truly geniuses... and no offense guys but I know most of Rick's peeps. They have some smarties but every campaign has smarties... geniuses? I doubt it...


  1. Why was there ever a primary in the first place? Perry is easily America's best governor. Texas is doing well despite the national recession. This primary makes no sense, which makes me think there were not so pure ulterior motives for truther Medina and KBH running.

  2. You keep saying "both sides" as if the only two candidates are the Karl Rove-groomed former cheerleaders. Medina is not from your insider RNC crowd which is why you are bashing her more than Kay.


Hey now, campaign characters. Be nice. I know a lot of you on both sides, so I don't want any overly foul language, personal attacks on anyone other than the candidates themselves, or other party fouls. I will moderate the heck out of you if you start breaking the bounds of civility.